Hi, I’m B4Astudios' Bubs and I currently live in NYC! I cheated my way
through High School to graduate early but always was a pro on computers
and electronics. I love rodents and miss my hamster (RIP). Sometimes I
think I have a voice that can sing and when that special feeling
possesses my hand, I would do a traditional drawing on paper instead of
on the PC. Playing the guitar is always fun to do, when I finally learn.
I like to hug, so come and give me one!
Bubs, owner of B4Astudios was a real treat to find as he is creative, has a real talent for arts and crafts and is a guy! It is not everyday you are privileged to run across something this amazing. To date, Bubs has garnered a huge following of fans on his YouTube channel. With over 1400 subscribers and 100 000 views, he is surely the new favorite in the craft scene. He makes the cutest things and has a real flair for video editing. I was personally intrigued by the amount of time he put in his videos with animations to keep his audience engaged. A must see!
Loving the outfit |
Bubs the Artist |
Pikachu Plushie
Watch it HERE |
Rilakkuma Tissue Pouch
Watch it HERE |
1. At what age did you start crafting?
I can't
really answer this question because I have no idea. I remember sewing on
scraps of fabric to my sis and my own little teddy bears, making them
costumes. I had my main bear with many different costumes mimicking
super heroes from movies and comics.
2. Tell us how you decided to make videos for YouTube.
uber cute super BFF Aiko-chan from HapyFriendsShoppe recommended that I
try out making felt plushies on YouTube. I had fun helping her start out
and thought it would be an interesting experiment. So just having some
fun I decided to do so and fell in love with it instantly. Now Bubba
don't want to leave!
3. What is your main goal on YouTube as a crafting guru?
a guy and openly sewing gets me some strange looks out in public, but I
want the world to know that it doesn’t matter what you like. Embrace
yourself and what you love. On YouTube I encourage anyone interested in
crafting to try it out. I hope to spread the message out that you can do
whatever it is you want.
4. What kind of videos do you make on YouTube?
Most of my
videos are tutorials for handmade felt plushies. Now I’m also making
small fun do it yourself crafting projects that anyone can do. I'm an
animator at heart and love traditional animation, so I started posting a
few short animations and will probably post more. I tried some speed
drawings and may very well start doing some of those again. Finally my
partner and I (Aiko-chan) would do a short film together once in a while
to bring awareness for a specific subject matter.
5. Do you sell your creations?
Selling my creations would
be a wonderful past time, but while both attending school and working
full time; I don't have much time to spend on orders. I’m still very
much interested in doing so though.
6. What are other hobbies you have besides your forte?
I gave up videogames in the hopes of earning my BA degree for Game
Design. But I still watch anime and read manga whenever I can! Drawing
by pencil still is rewarding and just hanging out with my BFF online is
one of my fave things to do.
7. How long do you see yourself on YouTube?
Until that
hacker comes and uploads a worm that can penetrate through all firewalls
and multiple online defense destroying all archives and rendering the
servers of YouTube unusable... I'll still be around. ;)
8. What are your thoughts on the crafting community on YouTube?
see the crafting community on YouTube as a family. So many wonderful
people are on YouTube doing craft from all over the world. I have gained
many new family members since I started crafting on YouTube and enjoy
every minute of it!
9. User savvy tips for future craftubers?
I would tell all
future craftubers to not pay too much attention to that sub count
number. Focus on yourself and delivering amazing content. That number
doesn’t mean anything. If you’re a good crafter, people WILL find you.
10. Inspiring message for us and your viewers?
I want
everyone to embrace themselves and love who and what you are. Never let
people tell you who you are. Be passionate about being happy as your
very own person and live life proud.
Bubs blogs at
Subscribe to his
YouTube Channel
BUBBA SHOULD NEVER LEAVE! you are inspiring to all male like creatures out there :) LOL!
haha i agree with wifey Bubs cannot and will not leave
It's nice being part of such an amazing family of crafters! This and the support of all our fans and friends make this journey all the more exciting and rewarding! ^_^
Hope you keep doing what you're doing and that you'll help other male crafters start creeping onto the scene~!
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